Wilbraham, MA
Saturday 9-Noon
Always available for appointments
Mon-Fri 9:00-4:00

Press play to hear our commercial
124 Norwich Rd
Plainfield CT
also at 110 W Main St Dudley MA

About Mercer Monument Works
Mercer Monuments has been a family owner and operated company for more than 25 years. In 2012, Graeme Everson brought the company down off the hill in Sterling to Route 12 in Plainfield, CT.
Now we have three locations and are very proud of the compassionate and talented group of people that keep the three locations running smooth and helping families.
Graeme runs the show. His wife Kristin is the one you will most likely deal with when you are in need of a monument or require cemetery lettering. She is there all the time.
Stephen Vanase (son) who is learning every single aspect of the business and Chad Davis (practically a son) do all the hard work. Sand blasting, cemetery lettering, cleaning and restoration of monuments.
Wilbraham MA: AKA Custom Monument Designs
Division Manager Jeffrey Brown takes care of everything at CMD. The talented Courtney Plushner helps with everything from monuments sales, stencil design to original artwork and digitizing. Joyce Lane will greet you in person and on the phone and guide you in the right direction.
Dudley MA:
Brand new retail location where you can see monuments on display and design one to tell your story. Steve Brainard is there to help guide you through the whole process.